Category Archives: conference
Thinking Digital 09
This year’s Thinking Digital Conference took place at at the Sage Gateshead, from the 13th to 15th of May. In my opinion this year’s event may have been the best yet, Herb Kim and the Codeworks team certainly know how to put on a show! Don’t get me wrong, the content of last year’s show was just fantastic, but this year it just seemed to come together a just that little more smoothly… Continue reading
CloudCamp North-East England
Newcastle University’s Beehive building played host to the first UK Cloudcamp outside on London on Tuesday 24th March. Officially an unconference, entry was free and anyone that wanted to speak had an opportunity to take a slot, it also followed the great tradition of Barcamps with free beer and pizza and plenty of time for networking. A little more structured than a typical unconference, starting with a series of lightening talks and moving on to a panel discussion… Continue reading