Category Archives: digital marketing debates

2009 in Brief

A look back at some of the North East Tech events, meetings and conferences going on in 2009. Continue reading

Posted in North East Telly, barcampne, cloud camp, codeworks, conference, culturebites, digital marketing debates, featured, outdoor activities, supermonday, tedx, thinking digital, thursdayfizz, vbug | 16 Comments

Entering the ‘digital marketing debate’.

There seems to be an ever-growing number of IT, technology, internet and digital groups, forums and networks, setting up in the North East. The latest such group is ‘Digital Marketing – Debates’ hosted by Newcastle University Business School.
Wednesday morning saw the first meeting of this new group, and despite the early start in seemed to be very well received, with a promising turnout, made up of both familiar faces and people I’d not come across at these things before. Kay Jones introduced an excellent line up of speakers on subjects including email, search optimization, online recruitment and the digital sector.If i were to criticize anything it would be time keeping with an hours over run there was very little time left for networking. Continue reading

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