Category Archives: enterprise


Over the past 3 years I have had the pleasure of working with the Codeworks team as a regular contributor to their Technotes column in the Journal. Writing a total of 20 column on subjects ranging from Gamification of Social … Continue reading

Posted in codeworks, creative, public sector bodies, regional development agencies, technotes, thinking digital, trends | Leave a comment

Supermonday super sized selling!

Following what I considered to be an excellent line up of events in 2009, Supermondays got off to a flying start in January with another great event, in what looks to be a very promosing line up for 2010.
Tom Fotheringham of DFDS opened january’s session with a very informed talk on affiliate marketing from the point of view of both affiliate and merchant and how the affiliate programme integrated to the overall sales strategy.
The second half of the session came from a very colourful former visitor to Dragon’s Den, Ling Valentine (crazy Ling), who told us about us about how she used everything from rockets and london buses to free noodles and free money and a range of home made video to drive traffic to her “totally rubbish website”. Ling went on to explain how virtual Indian call centre operative Lingani helped her convert that traffic to sales. Continue reading

Posted in affiliate marketing, ecommerce, enterprise, event, featured, supermonday, technology | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Thinking Digital 2009 videos now available.

I think we all know by now, what a great job the Codeworks team do with the Thinking Digital Conference, bringing some of the greatest speakers in the field of technology to Newcasle|Gateshead once a year . The conference continues to grow as one of the leading conference of its kind and getting an out standing reputation both locally and globally. Unfortunately not everyone can manage to get to the conference, either because they simply can’t aford it, or because of other commitments, but Codeworks believe that this content is just too good to miss, so they have made the talks freely available online, not quite the same as attending in person, but unmissable all the same… Continue reading

Posted in codeworks, creative, enterprise, featured, media, social networking, thinking digital | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Another milestone for Supermondays

This month’s Supermondays was a bit special, not only because it was in one of the beautiful old University buildings, or because it marked the 1st birthday, but because Supermondays founders Ross and Alex, announced that Supermondays is to become a CIC (Community Interest Company). What this means is that they will be able to apply for funding to make events bigger and better and to help ensure its survival. Continue reading

Posted in featured, learning, supermonday, universities and training bodies | 2 Comments

A bit of a Microsoft thing

I’m not sure if this is something that I should be saying out loud (or if any of my design friends will ever talk to be again if i do), but i really quite like windows 7, so much in fact I went along to a Vbug (at Newcastle Uni) last week to meet the Microsoft team and learn a bit talk about desktop optimization and windows 7.
Jonathon Noble told me about Vbug a while ago, but i this was the first time i’d managed to get along to one, and i have to say i had a great night… Continue reading

Posted in featured, operating system, services, universities and training bodies, vbug | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Digital North East Stratergy

Last week James Burke, put a post entitled “Digital North East – a regional #digitalbritain strategy for the digital sector” on his blog. The post concerned a draft copy of a development strategy, laying out plans for expanding the North East digital sector and stimulate the regions economy through digital technologies.
While I applaud the idea of a digital strategy, and believe it to be a great start, it is very basic and need a great deal of work to reach its full potential. I also think that it need far greater input from the digital and business communities. Continue reading

Posted in featured, funding, learning, public sector bodies, regional development agencies, start-ups, technology, universities and training bodies | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Meeting Milo

Following the Milo’s Yiannopoulos ‘Grim up north’ article in the Telegraph, there was a huge back lash from the region, many of us challenging Milo to come up to the North East and see the state of the tech sector for himself.

Several of our fines startups made an appearance to but our side of the argument across, and milo Continue reading

Posted in enterprise, event, featured, funding, start-ups | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Events for June.

Having recently read an article in the Telegraph on ‘how Grim things are in the North’, I had thought i’d have to pack my bags and head of to London, if i wanted to do any sort of social networking. Turns out they were wrong…there are a whole host of events in June, right on our very doorstep. Who’s have guessed it, this far North?

Junes Events include: Pecha ucha, Game Horizon, Where do you think your going, ThurdsdayFizz, Supermondays and Shift Happens 2.0 Continue reading

Posted in enterprise, event, shift happens, social networking, supermonday, thursdayfizz | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Responding to the idea that “it’s (still) grim up North”!

Yesterday the Telegraph published an article by Milo Yiannopoulos’s entitled ‘Sun Tech Mission 2009: it’s (still) grim up North’. While Milo claims that he was genuinely concerned for the state of the regions tech industries and only wanted to help,but the article conveyed a real sense of arrogance, that has lead to outrage from the region and beyond.

I was at first shocked, then outraged and finally somewhat dismayed. How could the Telegraph publish, such a damning report, and how could a serious journalist get it so wrong? Is this really how people in the south feel about live in the North?

This is a copy my response to that article… Continue reading

Posted in enterprise, internet, technology | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Entering the ‘digital marketing debate’.

There seems to be an ever-growing number of IT, technology, internet and digital groups, forums and networks, setting up in the North East. The latest such group is ‘Digital Marketing – Debates’ hosted by Newcastle University Business School.
Wednesday morning saw the first meeting of this new group, and despite the early start in seemed to be very well received, with a promising turnout, made up of both familiar faces and people I’d not come across at these things before. Kay Jones introduced an excellent line up of speakers on subjects including email, search optimization, online recruitment and the digital sector.If i were to criticize anything it would be time keeping with an hours over run there was very little time left for networking. Continue reading

Posted in digital marketing debates, enterprise, event, search, social networking | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment