Tag Archives: startup
Responding to the idea that “it’s (still) grim up North”!
Yesterday the Telegraph published an article by Milo Yiannopoulos’s entitled ‘Sun Tech Mission 2009: it’s (still) grim up North’. While Milo claims that he was genuinely concerned for the state of the regions tech industries and only wanted to help,but the article conveyed a real sense of arrogance, that has lead to outrage from the region and beyond.
I was at first shocked, then outraged and finally somewhat dismayed. How could the Telegraph publish, such a damning report, and how could a serious journalist get it so wrong? Is this really how people in the south feel about live in the North?
This is a copy my response to that article… Continue reading
Posted in enterprise, internet, technology
Tagged industry, investment, North East, startup, Tech, technology, VC