Category Archives: ultra

Marshalling Ravenscar

The Western United States 100 Mile Endurance Race is one of those races that’s been on my bucket list since reading about it a couple of years ago. But what’s this got to do with marshalling? Well the Western Unites … Continue reading

Posted in food, motivation, racing, social, ultra | 1 Comment

Tyne Ultra – tales from the river bank

While I don’t often think about it, i’ve lived alongside the River Tyne most of my life, crossing it almost daily, to go to work or the shops and quite often running or walking along its banks. Now that i’d taken up ultra running, the idea of run its entire course from its source in the hills above Alston to the sea at Tyne Mouth made absolut sense. Continue reading

Posted in food, gear, motivation, planning, racing, routes, social, technique, training, ultra | 5 Comments

Rounding up the best of the Race Vests

Ultra vest/pack designs seems to have come on leaps and bounds since I bought my UltraAspire only just over a year ago at the time I was one of the few people with this kind of pack, now it seems everyone is wearing them, but with so many suddenly on the market which is the best to buy?
I enlisted the help of Jon Steele, Tony Holland and Andy Holohan to help me take a few of them through there paces and found thinks have moved on a bit from the days bottles bobbling around all over the place or needing to be a contortionist to get to your gear. Continue reading

Posted in bags/vests/packs, gear, racing, ultra | 5 Comments

Chocolate Coated Coffee Beans

Having read Dean Karnazes book Marathon Man i’d heard of chocolate coated coffee beans, but i’d never seen them in the shops, until yesterday that is! I was picking some stuff up in town for my wife after a getting … Continue reading

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Making the 100 club.

Having completed not one but two hundred mile races this year, I began to wonder just how many of us there were, do running 100 mile runs at weekends then going back to work on mondays. Then I decided that … Continue reading

Posted in racing, routes, training, ultra, writing | Comments Off

The British Trail Running Podcast

A few weeks after completing the Hardmoors 55 this year, Tim Batesman got in touch asking if he could interview me for a new podcast he was producing/presenting call The British Trail Running Podcast, the idea was that it would … Continue reading

Posted in blogs, gear, motivation, podcast, social, ultra | Comments Off

Montane Lakeland 100 – 10 lessons learned!

Two years after my first attempted at the awesome Lakeland 100 – Ultra tour of the Lake district, I finally made it around the full 105 miles to collect my finishers medal. Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized, food, gear, motivation, planning, racing, technique, training, ultra | Comments Off

Planning to run a hundred miler?

In 2011 I got a DNF in the Lakeland 100, two years on and I was ready to start planning to have for another go at it. Over the next 30 weeks I would clock up 1200 miles of training, totally destroy at least 1 pair of trainers in the process and complete not one but two 100 mile ultra’s inside of a month. Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized, planning, racing, technique, training, ultra | 3 Comments

Setting the bar for 2013

2012 was a sort of mediocre year as far as running goes for me. I started and ended the year with flu which interrupted my training a bit, I only managed to run a couple of fell races all year, and … Continue reading

Posted in planning, training, ultra | 3 Comments

Ultra…the new marathon

With the ever increasing popularity of running, the number of people tackling both half and full marathons is on the rise. So it should come as no surprise that more and more of us are pushing the our boundaries beyond … Continue reading

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